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New Littmann Colors: Just in Time for Halloween!

New Littmann Colors: Just in Time for Halloween!

Posted by on Oct 3rd 2019

Every medical professional deserves a break from their typical wardrobe when celebrating Halloween. October 31st only comes around once each year, and it's not unusual for adults to get involved in the festivities of this fun holiday.

When you're working in a medical profession, it might sound like a stretch to break away from the normal attire that is worn by doctors and nurses. However, this holiday provides a fun opportunity to relate to patients and coworkers.

You don't have to take part in the candy or ghost stories to make someone in your treatment center smile. This is a great opportunity to add a colorful stethoscope to your wardrobe.

Spice up your stethoscope

Doctors and nurses might feel strange putting angel wings over their scrubs or jackets. Luckily, the folks at Littmann have come out with some new stethoscope colors, the most prominent ones featuring a rainbow high-polish chest piece.

Many medical professionals have trouble breaking away from the types of clothing they are expected to wear because they fear that it will be too shocking for some patients. After all, the work place is a serious environment where people come to heal from traumatic events.

However, doctors and nurses will find a sweet release from this high standard when they pick up a new colorful stethoscope from Littmann. Medical professionals who are looking for an extra unique way to spruce up their attire should invest in a new rainbow stethoscope.

Dressing up in scrubs

Doctors are perceived with a high expectation for professionalism, so it's much harder for the doctors in our facilities to put on makeup and costumes on Halloween. However, nurses might feel comfortable dressing up to their own comfort level.

Plenty of nurses enjoy wearing decorative scrubs to help cheer up patients throughout the entire year. Halloween is the one day of the year when nurses might be able to get away with wearing more than silly patterns on their scrubs.

Nurses should try putting a colorful stethoscope over their scrubs, and they might even compliment their looks further by wearing a festive costume. Simple costume ideas include cat ears, face paint, or a halo above the head. Adventurous nurses should try dressing as a well-known character from history.

For example, a bandana and navy blue scrubs will make any nurse look like Rosie the Riveter. These types of costume ideas might brighten the day of a patient that could use some cheer.

Year-round flair

The best part about buying a new colorful stethoscope is that it's a useful piece of medical equipment. The cat ears and halo might be cute on Halloween, but buying a piece of medical equipment that complements your Halloween costume is a wise investment for the future.

There's a good chance that you will want to spruce up your outfit during another time of the year, and these stethoscopes will be a welcome addition for everyone in your treatment center.

Check out our selection of new Littmann stethoscope colors to order yours today! Add a personalized engraving to make it the perfect gift for a loved one in the medical field.