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National Wellness Month: The Importance of Self-Care & Prevention

National Wellness Month: The Importance of Self-Care & Prevention

Posted by on Aug 22nd 2024

August is National Wellness Month in the United States. Healthcare workers spend much of their time caring for others. But, this month gives you the chance to reflect on your own well-being and find new self-care methods to prevent burnout and illness.

While adopting new wellness practices might seem frivalous or like something you don’t have time for in your busy schedule, remember that you need to stay healthy in order to deliver the best care to patients. Below, we’ll provide a few self-care suggestions and wellness practices to consider incorporating into your routine.

Practice Mindfulness

Healthcare workers can find a powerful tool for supporting their overall wellness by practicing mindfulness. A guide published by the Massachusetts General Hospital shows that focusing on the present moment can reduce stress and anxiety, which are common challenges for those working in the high-pressure healthcare environment.

Regular practicing mindfulness enhances emotional resilience, allowing healthcare professionals to respond more calmly and effecitvely to the demands of their work. It also fosters greater self-awareness, making it easier to recognize early signs of burnout or fatigue.

Get Some Exercise

Aside from focusing on your mental health, it’s also important to care for your phsyical health as well. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that physical activity for adults helps to prevent noncommunicable diseases and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. However, the WHO reports that 31% of adults don’t meet the recommended levels of physical activity.

Even if you’re already an avid exercise enthusiast, this might be a good opportunity to try out a new exercise routine or workout that you’ve been interested in. This might include taking a yoga or spin class, challenging yourself to running a certain number of miles each week, or going for a bike ride with your family.

Focus on Sleep

During National Wellness Month, make it a priority to focus on your sleep schedule and get enough rest. Sleep is fundamental to your overall health and performance, and the Mayo Clinic even explains that your body needs enough sleep to help fight infectious diseases, among other health benefits, like improving your attention and memory.

For adults between the ages of 18 and 60, the Mayo Clinic recommeds getting at least seven hours of sleep per night. This can be difficult for healthcare workers on the night shift or those with grueling schedules. However, if you’re sleeping less than this amount, make it a challenge to get in more sleep this month.

Connect with Friends and Colleagues

As you focus on your health and wellness, recognize the importance of social connection. Working in demanding, high-pressure environments can be stressful and create a feeling of isolation for healthcare workers. However, building strong relationships with colleagues, friends, and family can help alleviate these feelings and give you an outlet for sharing your experiences.

If you’ve let your personal relationships take the backburner as the stress of your career and regular routine have taken over, this is the perfect time to reach out to your loved ones. Making a simple phone call or inviting them for a coffee date can be a great way to reconnect and provide some perspective into what really matters.