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Counterfeit Littmann Stethoscopes, Know the Signs.

Counterfeit Littmann Stethoscopes, Know the Signs.

Posted by on Feb 4th 2020

Spotting a counterfeit Littmann stethoscope isn’t always easy. That’s why it’s so important to know what to look for when shopping for a Littmann stethoscope. Keep in mind that it’s often a combination of things to be wary of—we’ve listed some of the most common signs here.

Warning sign: A limited selection.

3M Littmann Authorized Dealers carry a broad range of Littmann stethoscopes, including different models with a range of finishes and tubing colors.

Warning sign: Counterfeiters appear on e-commerce platforms for a short time. 

This makes it less likely the seller will be responsive or have reviews. It also means that there probably isn’t much information available on the seller. 3M Littmann Authorized Dealers are knowledgeable and helpful. They’ll be responsive and help guide you to find the right Littmann stethoscope.

Warning sign: Counterfeiters rely on deals, speed and often omit markings or misspell words.

If the price sounds “too good to be true,” it probably is. We take pride in creating high-performance stethoscopes with outstanding acoustics. This craftsmanship takes time and has value—finding a substantial discount should be a concern.

As a 3M Littmann Authorized Dealer, can ensure that you are receiving a real Littmann stethoscope.